Saturday, January 1, 2011



I love to sleep. In fact I’ve been so lazy I’ve slept more than half my life away. I wish I could sleep forever at times. Deep sleep that is. I used to enjoy the good dreams – especially the wet and dirty ones when I was a teenager (pardon my hormones). Then I discover deep sleep.

I was afraid of the dark, the silent, the void (emptiness encompasses the void – there can be no void), the nothingness. Until I dive in. In deep into the black hole of the universe. In into the black hole of self through meditation and self-watching, not using any mind activities just trusting the heart and inner being to guide. Settling down to perfect calm the state of deep rest, deep sleep, unafraid to be unconscious. Via the unconscious the superconscious is experienced. There this state can be tapped on and off like a switch. Then with practice it becomes more than a state of mind. For beyond that state of superconsciousness, the ultimate, changeless manifest. Miracles start here. Healing start here.

What good or practical use is all this? Even a simple rest or pause away from your hectic life would see you new perspective. If you can be ever new to your inspiration and approach to your life – you live the bliss of the here and now. You can harness the timeless intelligence, synchronicity (Deepak Chopra) and experience the oneness to connect to all living things (for a start) and work for a win-win situation every time. Start small end up boundless and limitless for the good of all (Andrew Cohen, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Osho, Wayne Dyer, The Dalai Lama …)

After your dream stage, you go into deep, deep sleep. I could die there. You could chop my head off and I would still be smiling. The practice I do allows me to bring that state of deep sleep up anytime I want. Eyes open or shut.

Meditation is a tool. It is an awesome tool. But usually, the layperson would be turned off by the amount of time just set aside for this purpose. How about if I say you can achieve immediate benefits if you allow just 1 min each time you try or remember to try it.

With a straight spine, eyes closed you alert yourself and simple sit and be. You slow all thoughts to a naught. You relax and the more often you bring yourself to this state you will remember to bring it up when you need it most in moments of anger arising or turmoil. Even blinking consciously for that extra 2-3 seconds longer and remembering to breathe naturally helps. Take the 1st step and the 2nd comes naturally.

Save yourself. Heal yourself first before you can do any good. You can’t share what you don’t have. You can’t be what you are not.

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